ALL 3 Character .ru Domains Registered!
There are 1,426,613 .ru domains registered in total and 60,491 .su .ru stands for Russia and .su is the obsolete extension of Soviet Union, which is still being used. But the shocker is all 3 character .ru domains are registered! I could hardly believe that the first time I heard about it mentioned on NP, […]
Anti-Anti-Cybersquatting Patent
DomainNameWire reports about a very interesting patent filled by Frank Schilling with the help of domain attorney John Berryhill: On April 24, 2006, domain name portfolio owner Frank Schilling filed a patent application for “Generic top-level domain re-routing system” with the help of attorney John Berryhill. This patent, if granted, could end up being very […]
Dot Pro Relaunch
As reported by domainnews When you read the minutes of ICANN’s Board meeting on April 30th, you come accross a section that describes RegistryPRO, the registry responsible for the .pro domain extension, and their request to change its registration agreement with ICANN. The minutes indicate that, “The TLD has had limited success to date, with […]
A New Tld Around the Corner .me
.me is about to be launched. Sounds pretty good for a personal site. I think many people would like it and it has many cool possibilities, like,,, etc. A tld that is also a word! .ME Registry officials today announced the roll-out plan for .ME, the new domain name extension. .ME […]
Failure of .eu
Only 13.37% .eu Websites Active/Unique – .eu is a disaster zone from WhoisIreland Review The latest .eu web survey shows that the .eu ccTLD is in serious trouble. Out of 1723638 websites checked, only 13.37% of sites were active/unique. As a ccTLD for Europe, it is a disaster zone. Brand registrations accounted for 7.78% […]