Webmasters.org Bidding Reaches $38K
Webmasters.org Bidding on sitepoint auction Reaches $38K. It gets up to 10k pageviews per month, but only $25 monthly revenue. This is definitely a nice domain, with great potential as a webmaster community portal, but even with that it’s a very high price for a .org. What helps is that it’s a pr7 and the […]
$4.3 Million Sales From TRAFFIC Live Auction
$850,000 SkiResorts.com $460,000 Meds.com $300,000 DVDs.com $200,000 CPC.com $110,000 Porn.mobi $110,000 AutoClassifieds.com $110,000 GarageSales.com $110,000 PenisEnlargment.com, PenisSize.com and PenisSizes.com $100,000 Husband.com $92,000 SearchEngines.com $85,000 Niche.com $80,000 GoldDigger.com and GoldDiggers.com $80,000 Skinny.COM $77,000 Cotton.com $70,000 Hoax.com