4200 LLLL.com’s on eBay

Here is an interesting auction on ebay now: 4200 LLLL.com domains in one lot BPTQ.COM BQRI.COM BQTW.COM BQVK.COM BQXR.COM BQYV.COM BRTQ.COM ….

ALL 3 Character .ru Domains Registered!

There are 1,426,613 .ru domains registered in total and 60,491 .su .ru stands for Russia and .su is the obsolete extension of Soviet Union, which is still being used. But the shocker is all 3 character .ru domains are registered! I could hardly believe that the first time I heard about it mentioned on NP, […]

Less Than 10K Canadian Domains Till the Million

Currently there are 990,000 .ca domains registered according to cira.ca. With current registration rates we could hit a million within a couple weeks, or a month. Meanwhile .ca prices are going up quickly. LL.ca market values are already at the point where few end users can afford the and LLL.ca selling for $100+ on drops.