I’m glad to see Bido is back up and running and would like to wish them good luck! I had some good sales there and think it’s great to see another marketplace trying to take on sedo for real.
However, they really need to do something to increase the quality of domains there and attract some premium domains. Strangely enough there are some decent buyers there, but no real sellers with quality domains at fair prices. An unusual gap for the industry that should get filled naturally.
A few good LLLL.com names are coming up for auctions there flob.com and ebog.com, but the reserves seem rather high so I don’t expect them to sell.
I think bido could benefit from introducing hidden reserves and reserve auctions that start from the min price like on sedo, not the reserve price.
Offer a start bid under reserve price is a positive point but will not change a lot, we already offer this in BargainDomains.com (our vertical marketplace offering the most similar domains and audience).
Buyers are here whatever auction platform you use when the domains are of quality and well priced. The main problem is find good inventory at affordable reserve, I think it’s as difficult to source quality names at fair price than sell them.
i found it mind boggling that they would put all that work into developing a site to earn a commission o a single dottrash domain a day that usually appeared to be worth about five dollars if that.
If I recall correctly the median sales price at the old BIDO was around $50. Given the time to find good domains, the risk of possibly never selling, commissions, etc, what type of name would you expect to find in a marketplace with the typical buyer being domainers?
Sure there are many problems with bido, but why all this negativity?
They are trying to turn it into a bigger marketplace. This could benefit well all domainers.
It is the same as before. I read where some domainers say to auction off one domain per hour. That is a great idea!!!! Doing it the same way will make them go out of business. Do it the way you first had it when you first opened up.
Going back to limelight is a big step for BIDO. I suppose they will have a good plan for next year for better service.
It is the same as before. I read where some domainers say to auction off one domain per hour. That is a great idea!!!! Doing it the same way will make them go out of business. Do it the way you first had it when you first opened up.