New Price Guide is Out on 4letternoob blog by Reece.
Quad premiums had the highest increase in prices, which was only expected as they are the most desirable of all 4 letters.
Triple premiums with Z and other letters seem to be the real bargain at these prices. They are not too ugly and can have decent end user potential. If I find any at $75 a piece I’d buy them all! If you can get your hands on some triple premiums with K for $120 that would be a major bargain too.
According to the guide minimum prices are up to about $55 for the worst “anti-premium” type of LLLL’s, which sounds fair. The regular U+X, or Z+U type of domains which are being sold a lot around these days are worth about $65-70. Like,, That would be a good price for them as well.
Triple premiums with Y,V and J aren’t that desirable and it’s strange to see them priced higher than K triples. But the guide is based on the actual sales data.. you can’t argue with the market.
Please note that the guide only refers to letter quality and disregards the other important characteristics as letter patters: CVCV, VCVC, CVVC, VCCV; number of vowels, for example domains with 3 vowels are usually worth $150 and up for the worst letters and 4 vowels would make it to $250 and up.
Thanks for covering my guide Michael 🙂
I like triple premiums + Z myself and have a few tucked away in the collection. The hard part about making a guide is that we really only know what gets reported as names sold.. It’s quite possible the actual value is considerably over what I’m reporting because of how many sales we’ll never hear about… I sold more LLLL.coms (1500+) than the entire TDVR database for January contained, so perhaps that gives an idea of how few sales are actually reported compared to how many are actually happening. I wouldn’t think more than 10% of sales are being reported, much as many estimate is reported in the general domain name market.
The prices I reported on the triple premiums were more or less minimum wholesales, with a bit of thought given to the occasional seriously underpriced triple premium which has no bearing on normalacy.
I’ll be coming out with a guide shortly that better explains the values of CVCV, VCVC, CVVC, VCCV, and other rarer and less often sold combinations. It’s a much more difficult market to analyze, so rather than just give “ballpark prices” as I’ve done with the other segments, I’ll be providing an excel file on the site which will allow everyone to sort through the data on these types of LLLL.coms and draw their own conclusions about where the market is going.
Hi Reece, indeed it’s pretty hard to arrange a whole price guide, so you’re doing a great job there!
That’s true, very few sales get reported, that’s how it is in the industry. I don’t report most of my sales, because buyers usually prefer them to stay confidential.
Looking forward to your cvcv/vcvc guide 🙂
Btw, not sure if that would be a good idea, but you can also provide the average selling prices for each type of domains, besides the min prices. I know it won’t be easy as the sales vary a lot, but it might give a better idea on the market.