I was just checking the recent sales of cvcv.com at tdvr.com and noticed a strange thing.

rihu.com $1,566.00 Apr/16/08 04:00 PM EST Sedo
fehu.com $3,000.00 Apr/14/08 10:53 PM CEST Sedo

Both sold on sedo, same week, almost same letters and similar quality, yet such a big difference in price, why?

“Fehu” has 162K results in google and there is a developed site over at fehu.org, with alexa below 1 million, so it has some traffic. It also seems to have some mystical meaning, but that can hardly contribute much to a reseller price.

“Rihu” has 36k results in google, but there are some people with that as last name

and rihu.net is a developed site, but with alexa 25 million it hardly gets any traffic. Rihu is also a name of a farm in Finland and just has better sounding and letter quality. Being a relatively popular last name is also a big plus.

Both were sold during mid week – weekend auctions on sedo tend to get less bidders, so lower prices possible. Both are registered since 2002.

So what’s the difference then?

Lets look at the bidding history:

Fehu.com auction shows 10 bidders many bid time extensions and clearly there was a bidding war, 6 bidders were there in the last hour of the auction!

Rihu.com had 7 bidders and only two made it to the end.

So seems like it was just, well.. luck? Naturally low reserves and good domains attract many serious bidders and bid wars do happen on sedo, but not so often it seems. Another similar domain with better letter quality gahe.com ended at just $1,112.00 with 4 bidders total and only 2 who were there near the end.

The moral of the story? There is none.. if you risk sometimes you win, sometimes you lose. That’s why I’m always pondering on whether to set a lower reserve or a high one.

5 Responses

  1. Great info – you have done your best to find out why one domain name sold for more $$ and the other for less.

  2. Great post and good attempt at trying to analyze pricing. I won RIHU.com and left FEHU.com when pricing got too high. As a buyer, as long as you focus on a set limit (based on quality) and keep emotions out of it, there will always be another deal. Maybe emotions played a part in higher values with fehu.com.

  3. fehu is Chinese were as rihu isn’t. Hu means many words depending how you pronounce it. Fe is used in china though seldom where as ri isn’t at all. I note also the same difference with numericals, if the domain has 3 digits or 4 digits when pronounced in Chinese it has a good meaning it sells for 3, 4X what is expected. And the handles used buy the bidders in namejet have Chinese connotations. In china they use a lot .coms with 3/4 numerics

  4. Well they were all my names you mentioned Michael. 🙂

    You are right about the luck. That said I bought over 100 CVCV .coms early-late 2007 with an average purchase price of $400/ea so I win either way. It’s just a matter of how much. 😀

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