Planning to build a content website on an expired domain and getting it to a point of success has been a really difficult task in recent times, unlike the older time were just getting an expired domain with a great link profile worked like a charm.

Especially with google’s search algorithm getting smarter day by day and with new algorithm updates almost every alternate month in 2022, maintaining ranks and stable traffic for a small content websites has been the most challenging part in life of every small blogger and SEO guy.

We thought of taking this situation as a challenge and successfully executing the task of planning, building, and growing content websites on expired domains. We knew the journey won’t be easy and getting the website up and right through every single hurdle will need skills, executed with proper strategy.

The first and most important step to enter this challenge and make sure we get the expected results, we had to get the best available expired domain name. We are glad we could ease down our domain name hunt and got the best niche-relevant domain name that checked all our criteria at SerpNames. 

Do check our first update on this case study where we have mentioned in detail on how we finalized this domain, and what all pointers did this domain checked to qualify to be our list of the final choice.

Check in Detail on How we selected this Domain

The next step was to set up the domain properly and to make sure we utilize the available link juice and niche relevancy google trust in the best possible way and to make sure the results are as expected, check our other 2 updates where we have mentioned exactly about.

1. How did we plan our content?

2. What kind of content did we plan (Ratio of Informative vs Commercial)

3. How did we go about link redirections

4. How much content did we publish and our On-Page SEO techniques

5. Results so far and monthly growth

6. When did we plan to monetize it

and many such questions which you might get while reading this update

Here are the links to the previous 2 case study updates

Check UPDATE #3 here UPDATE #2 here

Fast forward 5 months from the day of purchase, and here we are with the 4th Update on this case study with an expired domain.

So far So good, website has been keeping up well even after multiple google updates we have seen growth and now the traffic seems to be constant but no downfall, in this update we will be mentioning how we plan to grow this further and move above the average graph, we will be talking more about link building and content plan.

To begin with, here are some stats which might help you get a quick glance on how the site is performing.

As we can clearly see there has been a good incline in traffic in the last 2 months, but now that we can see the traffic has gotten stable.  It is important now to get the traffic to get an exponential graph which will directly impact on revenue and affiliate conversions. Also with what we could study and analyze from google analytics, we are getting better ranks for commercial articles and that is what more focus now will be to push affiliate-focused articles at least for a month. 

Content Velocity and Plan

With that being said, coming to content velocity we are sitting at around 40 articles (80:20 Informative: Commercial) and targeting 60 articles by the end on next month. For last month the content velocity was a little slow with 3-4 articles a month as compared to what we used to do in previous months. As the major focus for last month was to monetize site with proper ad settings and set up amazon affiliate tracking ids for our commercial posts.


With recently set up ezoic monetization we have managed to get a decent earning of $174 in last 30 days and the latest weekly stats are suggesting we are able to manage an average of $7 per day in daily earnings. Apart from this we are yet to get amazon conversions will be updating you with amazon conversion and earning stats as well in next month’s case study. 

Building Links?

The major work last month was done on links to make sure the traffic gets an incline push. Here are the types of links we build in last month, as this was just the beginning of our link-building campaign we have not followed an aggressive approach.

1) Some relevant comment links duplicated from smaller competitors (Mostly Nofollow)

2) Couple of commentluv links although all of them are still under moderation but given the activeness and relevancy in niche we are expecting they get approved.

We plan to buy some guest posts next month to some major traffic pages and try to push them to rank #1-3 which will directly help us get more traffic.

Regular Work and On-Page

For On-Page SEO since the content is fresh we are not making any efforts yet to refresh the content yet but given the steadiness of traffic and velocity of content, we will be shortly trying to update and refresh the content for top pages to make sure every small ON-Page SEO techniques are followed to best of industry standard.

We are expecting if all this is done correctly, we could target to have double the amount of traffic we are receiving today, that’s all, for now, will keep you updated in next month’s update until then keep reading

Video Update Part 4

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